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MARIE - Assembly Language Programs

Writer's picture: prabhu pprabhu p

Updated: Mar 2, 2024

Let’s talk about some Marie programs!

1. Introduction of Marie

Please refer to the below 2 resources to learn the introduction of Marie

2. Marie Simulator :

3. Marie Instruction :

4. Marie Programs :

Below is the list of Marie’s programs, you can copy-paste directly into Marie's simulator and you can see the step-by-step output.

Click below link for direct visit.

Program 1 :

Program Description: Create a program in MARIE that reads in a value from the user. If the number input is greater than or equal to 110 (decimal), print out BEEF (HEX). If the number input is less than 110, print out FEED (HEX).

START, Input / starting the program, getting user input
Subt ONETEN  / subtract 110 DEC from given user input
Skipcond 400  / skip next line or move to line 5 if ACC value is zero
Skipcond 000  / skip next line or Move to line 6 if ACC value is less than zero
Jump GONETEN  / jump to line 9 or Label GONETEN
Jump LONETEN  / jump to line 14 or label LONETEN

GONETEN,Load  BEEF /Load HEX value BEEF into ACC
Output /print the ACC value
Halt  /End the program

LONETEN,Load FEED  /Load HEX value FEED into ACC
Output             / print the ACC value
Halt               / End the program

BEEF, HEX BEEF      /Assign HEX value BEEF to label BEEF
FEED, HEX FEED      /Assign HEX value FEED to label FEED
ONETEN,DEC 110      /Assign DEC 110 value to label ONETEN

Program 2 :

Program Description: Create a program in MARIE that reads in a value from the user. If the number is less than 0, it should add 1 to the number in a loop until the number is no longer less than 0. If the number input is greater than or equal to 0, it should add 2 to the number until the number is greater than 50

START, Load ZERO  / Loads the value of 0 into the Accumulator
Input            / Takes user input
Store 300        / Stores the user input in memory location 300
Load 300         / Loads the user input from memory location 300 into the Accumulator
Output           / Outputs the value stored in the Accumulator
Skipcond 400     / Skips the next line if the value in the Accumulator is zero
Skipcond 000     / Skips the next line if the value in the Accumulator is negative
Jump Positive    / Jumps to the Positive section of the code (line 20) if the value is non-negative
Jump Negative    / Jumps to the Negative section of the code (line 11) if the value is negative

Negative, Add ONE   / Adds the value of 1 to the Accumulator
Store 300          / Stores the new value in memory location 300
Load 300           / Loads the new value from memory location 300 into the Accumulator
Output             / Outputs the new value from the Accumulator
Skipcond 800        / Skips the next line if the value in the Accumulator is positive
Jump Negative       / Jumps to the Negative section of the code (line 11) if the value is still negative
Output              / Outputs the current value in the Accumulator
Jump Halt           / Jumps to the Halt section of the code (line 36) to end the program

Positive, Load 300   / Loads the value stored in memory location 300 into the Accumulator
Output              / Outputs the value from the Accumulator
Subt FIFTY          / Subtracts 50 from the value in the Accumulator
Skipcond 800        / Skips the next line if the value in the Accumulator is positive or zero
Jump PositiveLoop   / Jumps to the PositiveLoop section of the code (line 27)
Jump Halt           / Jumps to the Halt section of the code (line 36) to end the program

PositiveLoop, Load 300  / Loads the value stored in memory location 300 into the Accumulator
Add TWO                 / Adds the value of 2 to the Accumulator
Store 300               / Stores the new value in memory location 300
Load 300                / Loads the new value from memory location 300 into the Accumulator
Output                  / Outputs the new value from the Accumulator
Subt FIFTY              / Subtracts 50 from the value in the Accumulator
Skipcond 800            / Skips the next line if the value in the Accumulator is positive 
Jump PositiveLoop       / Jumps back to the PositiveLoop section of the code (line 27)

Halt, Load 300   / Loads the final value from memory location 300 into the Accumulator
Output           / Outputs the final value from the Accumulator
Halt             / Ends the program

ONE, DEC 1    /Assign DEC value 1 to label ONE
TWO, DEC 2    /Assign DEC value 2 to label TWO
FIFTY, DEC 50  /Assign DEC value 50 to label FIFTY
ZERO, DEC 0    /Assign DEC value 0 to label ZERO

Program 3 : Multiplication program

Program Description: It is an multiplication program. it takes 2 numbers and provides the results.This multiplication program handles +ve and -ve values as well.

multiplicant, Input   / Take input for the multiplicand
Store 400             / Store the multiplicand in memory location 400

multiplier, Input     / Take input for the multiplier
Store 500             / Store the multiplier in memory location 500

Checkzero1,Load 400   / Load the multiplicand
skipcond 400          / Skip if it's zero
Jump CHECKZERO2       / If it's not zero, continue
Jump HALT             / If it's zero, halt the program

CHECKZERO2,Load 500   / Load the multiplier
Skipcond 400          / Skip if it's zero
Jump IntegerONE       / If it's not zero, proceed to IntegerONE
Jump HALT             / If it's zero, halt the program

IntegerONE,load 500   / Load the multiplier
Subt ONE              / Subtract 1 from the multiplier
Skipcond 400          / Skip if the result is zero
Jump Integercheck     / If it's not zero, continue to Integercheck
Load 400              / If the result is zero, output the multiplicand and halt

Integercheck,Load 400     / Load the multiplicand
Skipcond 800              / Skip if it's positive
Jump negcheck             / If it's negative, jump to negcheck
Jump poscheck             / If it's positive, jump to poscheck

poscheck,Load 500         / Load the multiplier
skipcond 800              / Skip if it's positive
Jump NegPos               / If it's negative, jump to NegPos
Jump Positive             / If it's positive, jump to Positive

negcheck, Load 500        / Load the multiplier
skipcond 000              / Skip if it's negative
Jump Positive             / If it's positive, jump to Positive
Jump Negative             / If it's negative, jump to Negative

Positive,Load 500         / Load the multiplier
subt ONE                   / Subtract 1 from the multiplier
store 500                 / Store the updated multiplier
Load 400                  / Load the multiplicand
Jump mult                 / Jump to the multiplication process

Multiplication,Load 401   / Load the current result
mult,Add 400              / Add the multiplicand
store 401                 / Store the updated result
load 500                  / Load the multiplier
skipcond 400              / Skip if it's zero
subt ONE                  / Subtract 1 from the multiplier
Store 500                 / Store the updated multiplier
skipcond 400              / Skip if it's zero
Jump Multiplication       / If it's not zero, continue the multiplication process
Load,Load 401             / Load the final result
Output                    / Output the result
Halt                      / Halt the program

Negative,Load 500         / Load the multiplier
Add ONE                   / Add 1 to the multiplier
store 500                 / Store the updated multiplier
Load 400                  / Load the multiplicand
Jump Nmult                / Jump to the negative multiplication process

NMultiplication,Load 401  / Load the current result
Nmult,Add 400             / Add the multiplicand
store 401                 / Store the updated result
load 500                  / Load the multiplier
skipcond 400              / Skip if it's zero
Add ONE                   / Add 1 to the multiplier
Store 500                 / Store the updated multiplier
skipcond 400              / Skip if it's zero
Jump NMultiplication      / If it's not zero, continue the multiplication process
Load 401                  / Load the final result
Output                    / Output the result
Halt                      / Halt the program

NegPos,Load 500           / Load the multiplier
Add ONE                   / Add 1 to the multiplier
store 500                 / Store the updated multiplier
Load 400                  / Load the multiplicand
Jump NPmult               / Jump to the negative-positive multiplication process

NPMultiplication,Load 401 / Load the current result
NPmult,Add 400            / Add the multiplicand
store 401                 / Store the updated result
load 500                  / Load the multiplier
skipcond 400              / Skip if it's zero
Add ONE                   / Add 1 to the multiplier
Store 500                 / Store the updated multiplier
skipcond 400              / Skip if it's zero
Jump NPMultiplication     / If it's not zero, continue the multiplication process
Load 401                  / Load the final result
Subt 401                  / Negate the final result
Subt 401                  / Negate the final result again to make it positive
Output                    / Output the result
Halt                      / Halt the program

HALT,Load ZERO            / Load constant value 0
Output                    / Output the result
Halt                      / Halt the program

ONE,DEC 1                 / Constant value 1
ZERO,DEC 0                / Constant value 0

Program 4 : Division program

DIVIDEND,Input  // Take input for the dividend
Store 500       // Store the dividend in memory location 500

DIVISOR,Input   // Take input for the divisor
Store 300       // Store the divisor in memory location 300
Load 500        // Load the dividend
Store 400       // Store a copy of the dividend for later use

OutsideLoop, Load 400         // Load the copy of the dividend
Skipcond 800                   // Skip if it's less than or equal to 0
Jump EndLoop                   // If it's 0 or less, end the loop
Load ONE                       // Load the value 1
Store POWER                    // Initialize POWER to 1
Load 300                       // Load the divisor
Store 600                      // Store the divisor in memory location 600

InsideLoop,Load 600            // Load the divisor
Add 600                        // Double the divisor
Subt 400                       // Subtract the doubled divisor from the dividend
Skipcond 000                   // If result is negative, jump to Inside2
Jump InsideLoop                // Otherwise, continue looping
Load 600                       // Load the divisor
Add 600                        // Double the divisor
Store 600                      // Store the doubled divisor
Load POWER                     // Load POWER
Add POWER                      // Double POWER
Store POWER                    // Store the updated POWER
Jump InsideLoop                // Continue looping

Inside2,Load 400               // Load the dividend
Subt 600                       // Subtract the doubled divisor from the dividend
Store 400                      // Store the updated dividend
Load Quotient                  // Load the quotient
Add POWER                      // Add POWER to the quotient
Store Quotient                 // Store the updated quotient
Jump OutsideLoop               // Continue outside the loop

EndLoop,Load 400               // Load the dividend
Skipcond 000                   // If the dividend is zero, end the program
Jump Halt                      // Otherwise, subtract 1 from the quotient
Load Quotient
Subt ONE

HALT, Load Quotient            // Output the quotient and halt

ONE,DEC 1                      // Constant value 1
POWER, DEC 0                   // Initialize POWER to 0
Quotient,DEC 0                 // Initialize Quotient to 0

Program 5 : Recursion : parameter passing and return value handled through global stack

Main,       input
            storeI   ToS     / push N onto stack before call
            load     ToS     / (and increment ToS)
            add      Incr
            store    ToS
            JnS Sum
            load     ToS     / pop final result for output
            subt     Incr    / (after decrementing ToS)
            store    ToS
            loadI    ToS

Sum,        hex      000     / int sum(int N);
            clear            / set result = 0 (only used for base case)
            store    SumR
            load     ToS     / pop N off stack into local
            subt     Incr    / (after decrementing ToS)
            store    ToS
            loadI    ToS
            store    SumN
            skipcond 800     / if N > 0 skip to body
            Jump     Return  / else we're done (go return 0)

Body,       load     SumN    / push N onto stack so we can get it back after recursive call
            storeI   ToS     / (then increment ToS)
            load     ToS
            add      Incr
            store    ToS
            load     Sum     / push return addr onto stack so we can get it back after call
            storeI   ToS     / (then increment ToS)
            load     ToS
            add      Incr
            store    ToS
            load     SumN    / compute and push N-1 onto stack for param
            subt     Incr    / (then increment ToS)
            storeI   ToS
            load     ToS
            add      Incr
            store    ToS
            JnS Sum          / call sum(N-1)
            load     ToS     / pop result off stack
            subt     Incr    / (after decrementing ToS)
            store    ToS
            loadI    ToS
            store    SumR
            load     ToS     / pop our stored return addr off stack
            subt     Incr    / (after decrementing ToS)
            store    ToS
            loadI    ToS
            store    Sum
            load     ToS     / pop our stored N off stack
            subt     Incr    / (after decrementing ToS)
            store    ToS
            loadI    ToS
            store    SumN
            add      SumR    / compute result = N + result
            store    SumR

Return,     load     SumR    / push result onto stack
            storeI   ToS     / (then increment ToS)
            load     ToS
            add      Incr
            store    ToS
            JumpI Sum        / return

SumR,       hex     0        / local result within Sum
SumN,       hex     0        / local N within Sum
Incr,       hex     1        / used for ++, --
Stack,      hex     43       / base of stack
ToS,        hex     43       / top element on stack

Program 6 - if/else Program

A program to read and compare two numbers, with different output based on relative values:

prints X then Y if X is bigger

prints Y then X if Y is bigger

print X if they are equal

/ program to get x,y from user
        / if x < y print x then y
        / else if x > y print y then x
        / else just print x

        org         100
        input               / get value for x
        store       X
        input               / get value for y
        store       Y

Test1,  subt        X       / acc = y - x
        skipcond    000     / if negative then x bigger, skip further tests
        jump        Test2
        load        X       / got here if x bigger, print x then y, then done
        load        Y
        jump        Done

Test2,  skipcond    800     / if positive then y bigger, skip further tests
        jump        XYEq    / if here then equal, go to XYeq print section
        load        Y       / got here if y bigger, print y then x, then done
        load        X       / then print y
        jump        Done

XYEq,   load        X       / just print x, then done

Done,   halt

X,      dec         0       / default value for x
Y,      dec         0       / default value for y

More Programs

I have added more Marie programs to my GitHub page with comments for the instructions. If you have any uncertainties, feel free to post them in the discussion below, and I will respond accordingly.

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